Coldplay, Beyoncé, and Bruno Mars totally promoted the homosexual agenda, eh?
By Brandon Voss
Coldplay headlined Super Bowl 50's halftime show last night, and conservative Twitter was abuzz about its homosexuality-promoting rainbow color scheme — because rainbows today can only mean gay. Ugh, can't the straights have anything? Here are some other queer moments that had us queening out in our seven-layer dips.
1. Forget those rainbow drums and twirling rainbow flowers! At one point, decked out in go-go twink kicks and more rainbow-colored flair than a T.G.I. Fridays server in the ’90s, Chris Martin dropped to his knees and let a male fan mop his brow with a small rainbow flag — hanky code, of course, for "I like it loud and proud in the butt."
2. Bruno Mars and his crew hit the stage in what appeared to be pleather pajamas, which could totally work as a post-dawn Black Party look. Not a great look, but a look.
3. Beyoncé, serving Michael Jackson militant chic, joined in the fun with a performance of her quotable new single, "Formation," before her black panther girls and the Bruno Mars boys challenged each other to an epic dance-off. Who won? All gay men, obviously. Beyoncé even turned a slight stumble into a flawless pull back. That’s advanced tap, honey!
4. The halftime show wound down with a tribute to Super Bowl halftime shows past that included gay icons like Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, and, yes, Beyoncé. But where were Janet Jackson and Madonna?
5. "Wherever you are, whoever you are, we're in this together," Martin told the crowd, a sentiment echoed in the show's final message of "Believe in love" spelled out in a hippie ’60s font. Peace is so gay.
Next, February 2016.