HX Outburst 2004: Go-go boys with names and personalities got exposure.
By Brandon Voss
In a refreshing new era when go-go boys are no longer anonymous bodies on a bar, 2004 was a breakout year for Jay. Showing off his swimmer’s bod, button nose, and other assets at The Cock, The Slide, BoysRoom, and The Rambles at The Park, Jay rocks tube socks, ‘80s gym shorts, and an off-kilter baseball cap like nobody’s business. When I last saw him, a drooling crowd surrounded his bubbly debauchery in The Park’s infamous hot tub. “Oh well, I’m single,” Jay reasoned. “I guess I’m entitled to a little dirty, shameless public sex.” No judgments here!
HX: Go-go boys now have identities. How do you explain this trend?
Jay: I think Matt Bell [dreamy sigh] was a big influence. It’s really funny — it’s almost like we’ve become characters. It’s also fun when someone I’ve never seen before knows my name and comes talk to me. People have no idea how shy I am.
What’s the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done on the job?
The hot tub at The Park always leads to a little underwater action.
What’s the worst part about the gig?
Definitely dancing to music I don’t like.
What was your guiltiest pleasure of 2004?
Openly listening to Britney and singing along. I was a closeted Britney fan for a while.
What was overexposed this year?
My skinny little butt.
What should have been more appreciated?
John Kerry in the red states.
What was your favorite scandal?
Martha and McGreevey.
What was your favorite song and film?
Eminem’s “Mosh” is great to work out to, and Monster made me cry.
What was your biggest challenge this year?
My first gay relationship really messed with my head. A crazy roller-coaster ride that lasted seven months. We’re still friends and we learned our lessons. The hard way.
With whom would you like to collaborate next year?
I’ve been asking people to turn me into a pop star and even asked Miss Guy to write me a song. No one takes me seriously.
HX, December 2004.