Get to know Sordid Lives franchise writer-director Del Shores, who returns to NYC's Don’t Tell Mama with his latest dishy stand-up tour, Del Shores: Naked. Sordid. Reality.
By Brandon Voss
1. What turns you on, creatively or otherwise?
Del Shores: Good stories, great characters and other amazing work by inspired artists.
2. What’s a good tip for someone who wants to be you for Halloween?
Wear a T-shirt that has “MISTAKES” printed on it with an arrow pointing to several others who look just like my exes and a few agents.
3. Which celebrity’s hair do you covet most?
Brad Pitt.
4. What would your death-row last meal be?
Chicken fried steak. Mashed potatoes. Gravy. Biscuits. And some fried chicken livers. Comfort food from my childhood.
5. What’s your juiciest vice or guiltiest pleasure?
Hoarders. Hot sex. Grey Goose.
6. What extravagant purchase should probably make you feel guiltier?
In the spirit of Leslie Jordan, a very hot escort! Make that two. Twins.
7. When’s the last time you wanted to slap someone?
Well, there are some pretty nasty preachers spewing hatred in the name of the Lord — most in North Carolina these days — I’d love to just bitchslap.
8. What most likely made that stain on your outfit?
Porn and loneliness.
9. Describe your favorite undergarment.
Briefs. Hot briefs. All brands. Designers, companies, fans — please send them my way. Size medium. My address is listed on my fan page.
10. What’s a lie you’ve told more than once?
“Yes, you are a good actor.”
BONUS: Where do you see yourself in five minutes?
Unfortunately, flying down to the post office to send off my divorce papers.
DLNQNT, May 2012.